Source code for potpy.configparser

Construct a WSGI router from a configuration file.

A configuration file consists of lines specifying URLs, request methods, and
handlers, allowing construction of :class:`~potpy.wsgi.PathRouter` and
:class:`~potpy.wsgi.MethodRouter` instances using a hierarchical syntax.

At the top level, you specify URLs with optional names and parameter type
converters. See the :class:`~potpy.template.Template` class documentation for
the converter and URL specification format.


    foo /foo/{foo_id:\d+} (foo_id: int):

Following each URL is a list of handlers, one on each line. Handlers may also
specify a name (in parentheses), in which case the result of the handler is
added to the routing context under that name.


    read_foo (foo)

It is also possible to specify request method handlers using ``* METHOD:``
blocks. Adjacent method blocks are combined into a single
:class:`~potpy.wsgi.MethodRouter` instance.


    * GET, HEAD:
    * POST:

Exception handlers can be specified for a given handler by ending the handler
line with a colon (``:``) and listing exception types and handlers on the
following lines.


    read_foo (foo):
        ValidationError, BadFooError: show_foo_errors
        IOError: show_system_errors

Complete Example::

    index /:
        * GET, HEAD:
    article /{article_id:\d+} (article_id: int):
        * GET, HEAD:
        * POST:
            auth.require_user (user)
                views.InvalidArticleError: views.show_article_errors
    admin /admin/:
        auth.require_admin (user)  # run this regardless of request_method
        * GET, HEAD:
import re
import sys
from pkg_resources import resource_stream

from .router import Route
from .wsgi import PathRouter, MethodRouter

_trailing_spaces_or_comment = re.compile(r'\s*(?:#.*)?$')
_tabsp = ' ' * 8
_leading_spaces = re.compile(r'\s*')
_identifier = '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
_dotted_identifier = r'%s(?:\.%s)*' % (_identifier, _identifier)
_path_spec = re.compile(
    r'(?:(%s)\s+)?(.+?)(?:\s+\((%s:\s*%s(?:,\s*%s:\s*%s)*)\))?:$' % (
        _identifier, _dotted_identifier,
        _identifier, _dotted_identifier))
_method_name = '[^%s\x7f()<>@,;:\\\\"/[\]?={} \t%s]+' % (
    ''.join(chr(x) for x in xrange(32)),
    ''.join(chr(x) for x in xrange(128, 256))
_method_spec = re.compile(r'\*\s+(%s(?:,\s*%s)*):$' % (
    _method_name, _method_name))
_handler_spec = re.compile(r'(%s)(?:\s+\((%s)\))?:?$' % (
    _dotted_identifier, _identifier))
_exc_spec = re.compile(r'(%s(?:,\s*%s)*):\s*(%s)$' % (
    _dotted_identifier, _dotted_identifier, _dotted_identifier))

def parse_path_spec(spec):
    m = _path_spec.match(spec)
    if not m:
        raise SyntaxError('expecting path spec')
    name, path, types = m.groups()
    types = dict(tuple(s.strip() for s in t.split(':'))
                 for t in types.split(',')) if types else {}
    return name, path, types

def parse_method_spec(spec):
    m = _method_spec.match(spec)
    if not m:
        raise SyntaxError('expecting method spec')
    return [method.strip() for method in',')]

def parse_handler_spec(spec):
    m = _handler_spec.match(spec)
    if not m:
        raise SyntaxError('expecting handler spec')
    return tuple(m.groups())

def parse_exception_handler_spec(spec):
    m = _exc_spec.match(spec)
    if not m:
        raise SyntaxError('expecting exception handler spec')
    types, handler = m.groups()
    types = tuple(t.strip() for t in types.split(','))
    return types, handler

def split_indent(line):
    spaces = _leading_spaces.match(line).group(0).replace('\t', _tabsp)
    trailing =
    if trailing:
        line = line[:trailing.start()]
    return len(spaces), line.strip()

class IndentChecker(object):
    def __init__(self, lines):
        self.lines = iter(lines)
        self.indents = []
        self._it = self._iter()

    def back(self):
        self._yield = True

    def _iter(self):
        for line in self.lines:
            if _trailing_spaces_or_comment.match(line):
            self._yield = True
            indent, line = split_indent(line)
            if not self.indents:
            if indent > self.indents[-1]:
            while indent < self.indents[-1]:
            if indent > self.indents[-1]:
                raise SyntaxError('incorrect indent')
            while self._yield:
                self._yield = False
                yield len(self.indents) - 1, line

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._it

def find_object(module, name):
    path = name.split('.')
        obj = getattr(module, path[0])
    except AttributeError:
        import __builtin__
            obj = getattr(__builtin__, path[0])
        except AttributeError:
            raise LookupError()
    for name in path[1:]:
            obj = getattr(obj, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise LookupError()
    return obj

class _scope(object):
    def __init__(self, locals, globals):

def _calling_scope(depth=1):
        frm = sys._getframe(depth)
        scope = _scope(frm.f_locals, frm.f_globals)
        del frm
    return scope

def read_exception_handler_block(lines, module):
    exc_handlers = []
    for depth, line in lines:
        if depth < 3:
        types, handler = parse_exception_handler_spec(line)
        types = tuple(find_object(module, t) for t in types)
        handler = find_object(module, handler)
        exc_handlers.append((types, handler))
    return exc_handlers

def read_handler_block(lines, module):
    handlers = []
    method_router = None
    last_depth = -1
    for depth, line in lines:
        if depth < last_depth:
        last_depth = depth
        if _method_spec.match(line):
            if method_router is None:
                method_router = MethodRouter()
                read_handler_block(lines, module)
            if method_router is not None:
                method_router = None
            handler, name = parse_handler_spec(line)
            handler = find_object(module, handler)
            if line.endswith(':'):
                exc_handlers = read_exception_handler_block(lines, module)
                exc_handlers = ()
            handlers.append((handler, name, exc_handlers))
    if method_router is not None:
    return handlers

[docs]def parse_config(lines, module=None): """Parse a config file. Names referenced within the config file are found within the calling scope. For example:: >>> from potpy.configparser import parse_config >>> class foo: ... @staticmethod ... def bar(): ... pass ... >>> config = ''' ... /foo: ... ... ''' >>> router = parse_config(config.splitlines()) would find the ``bar`` method of the ``foo`` class, because ``foo`` is in the same scope as the call to parse_config. :param lines: An iterable of configuration lines (an open file object will do). :param module: Optional. If provided and not None, look for referenced names within this object instead of the calling module. """ if module is None: module = _calling_scope(2) lines = IndentChecker(lines) path_router = PathRouter() for depth, line in lines: if depth > 0: raise SyntaxError('unexpected indent') name, path, types = parse_path_spec(line) if types: template_arg = (path, dict( (k, find_object(module, v)) for k, v in types.iteritems() )) else: template_arg = path handler = read_handler_block(lines, module) path_router.add(name, template_arg, handler) return path_router
[docs]def load_config(name='urls.conf'): """Load a config from a resource file. The resource is found using `pkg_resources.resource_stream()`_, relative to the calling module. See :func:`parse_config` for config file details. :param name: The name of the resource, relative to the calling module. .. _pkg_resources.resource_stream(): """ module = _calling_scope(2) config = resource_stream(module.__name__, name) return parse_config(config, module)

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